説明: 選択メッシュの1番目を2番目以降にコピー(中身を入れ替える)コマンドプラグインです。
Maya version: Compatible with maya2020.I feel like it could probably be used for more than that.Sirankedo.
Description: This is a command plugin that copies (swaps the contents) the first selected mesh to the second and subsequent ones.
History will be deleted.
For skinbound meshes, copies the mesh information without history while leaving the skinbound on.
The point of this command plugin is that it is possible to undo
When you copy a mesh with the same topology to a skinbound mesh, information such as UVs, normals, vertex positions, hard edges, etc. can be copied without history.
You can replace multiple meshes even with regular meshes, so you can also use it to replace models or replace UVs.